lauantai 21. syyskuuta 2013

Valistustyön suunnittelua

Etiopian ajanlaskutavan mukaan uusi vuosi 2007 on juuri alkamassa. Bezunesh ja Tesfaye ovat tehneet tulevalle vuodelle työskentelysuunnitelman. Heillä on suuret ja laajat suunnitelmat ja yhtenä tavoitteena saada myös kirkon työntekijät ja poliitikot ymmärtämään valistuksen tärkeyden. Työsuunnitelma on melko laaja ja pitkä, joten olen jälleen boldannut mielestäni oleellisimmat kohdat niitä varten, jotka eivät jaksa lukea koko juttua läpi.

Suomen päässä yhdistyshakemus on edelleen vetämässä, ensimmäiseen sääntöehdotukseen piti tehdä joitakin muutoksia. Media on osoittanut kiinnostusta projektia kohtaan myös, mikä sinänsä on hyvä juttu, sillä kaikki tuki on tervetullutta. Kuitenkin haluaisin, että pidämme aika matalaa profiilia kunnes byrokraattiset kiemurat ovat selvitetty, ihan vain periaatten vuoksi.

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Dear Henrica and our partners in Finland. This is our annual work proposal.

1. What are the challenges of women in Kambata, Sidama and Oromo societies among christian community? To find and to search the answer for this question and to teach within this topic for different ethnic groups needs more than 6 months, but we will try to conclude with in 4 or 5 months. Now we have started our teaching on this topic for Sidama people, specially married women and male groups to reach the youth groups through them.

2. Female genital mutilation is one of the challenges. How does it is affects women lives? Also it needs 4 month work. This year we want to reach different ethnic groups and churches. Also we focus on both male and females, not only female group as last year.

3. The historical background of FGM, it takes three months to teach and to search different books and interview different educated and uneducated males and females to learn about how FGM came to Ethiopia. Also we will teach with in this topic to Oromo people in Bale area, and we will give training for church leaders and politicial leaders to reach other church people.

4. Harmful Effects of FGM, it needs 4 months to teach. Also we will teach on this topic in Kambata area to different persons, for example church leaders, youth groups, women leaders, choir leaders, prayer group leaders, and to bible study groups and so on.

5. Biblical and theological reasons against FGM. It needs 6 months to teach three ethnic groups, Kambata. Sidama and Oromo people to give biblical truth to against FGM practices from women lives the word of God.

6. How the church can work against FGM and what is the understanding of males against this harmful traditional practice. It needs more than 6 months to teache with in this topic in different Ethiopian ethnic christian communities.

NB according to our annual proposal in this new year we will teach in 3 different Ethiopian ethnic groups by moving from place to place not only Mekane Yesus Congregation but including different Evangelical Churches. This proposal is not proposed for this year only but it might be passed in to 2007/2014, because we proposed very wide topics, so it needs a long time to teach and to finish our lesson with it. Now we are  teaching on Sidama area in the Kale Hitwot church. We will send the work report in October as we proposed.

Please our dears, help us with some encouraging comment and suggestions.
We wish all the best to you and your family.

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