tiistai 1. joulukuuta 2015

Successful anti-FGM work gives security challenges

We have greetings from Elizabeth also. Our Kenyan team is facing some security related challenges, but let's have the nice news first :) I'm always happy to read that our team are cooperating with local councelors and church elders. These respected men are not able to teach against FGM and child marriage themselves, because they don't have enough knowledge about the topic, but the support of these men is very powerful in making people listen to our team!

Terveisiä Elizabethilta. Kenian tiimillämme on paljon haasteita edessään mm. turvallisuuteen liittyen, mutta katsotaan kuitenkin iloiset uutiset ensin :) On aina hienoa lukea, että tiimimme tekee yhteistyötä paikallisten vaikutusvaltaisten miesten kanssa. Nämä miehet eivät itse tiedä aiheista riittävästi voidakseen itse opettaa kyläläisiä, mutta heidän tukensa tiimimme opetukselle antaa sanomalle hyvin vahvaa uskottavuutta!

Monica is teaching in Olengomeii village. The counsellor with the stick is supporting her teaching.


Dear how are you? We are doing good, but now it's raining too heavy for us to travel. But we have been going to work to Olengomeii village. We called for a meeting together with the councellor of that area and also we went to one church in that same place. Around 100 people listened us that day and they were very happy and interested about our subjects against FGM and against child marriage and wanted to change.

When the rain gets easier we are planning to go Olesito village. We have been there before and after our teaching they wanted to change their practice so now they want more teaching from us. We are welcome by the priest of the church in Olesito.

We doing good but we are also facing a great challenge. You know, this is the holiday season when many girls are being circumsised so many girls has been escaping running away. So on top of those ten girls that I had here before Monica has some new runaways and also I have five new in my home.

It is great challenge to have these runaway girls with us because of security. Their fathers are so harsh and trying to find the girls because the girls are sold as brides. I am hiding some the girls. I spoke with Sammy [keeper of one rescue centre in neighbouring place] but he said he has no vacancy for girls in his place but luckily there is some church elders who are helping us.


Elizabeth and her team have a dream of building a rescue centre for these runaway girls. That centre would be a home and school for runaway girls and also it would be guarded for security of the girls. They already got a piece of land as donation from Ipartimaro village, where all villagers are suporting their work. The team has been asking us for support but the proposal its around 200,000 euros and I just don't happen to have such amount. Please take few minutes to think about possible funders, some organizations or goodwill clubs? I've already asked Rotary Club and Zonta Club but it seems that this kind of activity is not what they can fund. Please give me hints of where to ask: henrica.fagerlund(A)gmail.com

Suomeksi vielä. Elizabethin tiimillä on unelma rakentaa turvakoti näille tytöille. Turvakodissa olisi myös koulu sekä vartijat turvaamassa tyttöjen arkea. Tiimi on jo saanut palan maata rakennukselle lahjoituksena Ipartimaron kylässä, jossa asukkaat tukevat tiimin työtä vahvasti. He ovat kysyneet meiltä apua turvakodin rakentamiseen, mutta kustannuslaskelman perusteella on kyse n 200,000 eurosa eikä minulla satu sellaisia summia olemaan. Pystytkö antamaan muutaman minuutin ja mieti jotakin tahoja joilta voisi hakea rahoitusta tällaiselle hankkeelle? Kysyin jo Rotareilta ja Zonta Clubilta, mutta heidän sääntönsä eivät ihan taivu tämänkaltaisiin hankkeisiin. Kun keksit hyviä ideoita, laitathan minulle siitä viestiä: henrica.fagerlund(A)gmail.com

Lisäksi tarvitsemme vielä tukea uusillekin tytöille ihan elannosta koulumaksuihin. Tiedän, että Elizabeth antaa tytöille ihan kaiken ja kaikkensa, mutta se ei ehkä riitä. Jos sinulla on mahdollisuus tukea rahallisesti, löytyy tiedot täältä. Jäseneksi liittyminen ei sido mitään ja jäsenmaksut menevät suoraan tiimiemme työskentelyn rahoittamiseen. Kiitos jokaiselle hengessä mukana olevalle! <3

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