Jälleen yksi erittäin hieno raportti! Tämän lukeminen tuottaa suurta iloa itselleni. Ajatella, että me olemme mahdollistaneet tämän! Olen jälleen boldannut oleellisimmat kohdat, ellet jaksa lukea kokonaan. Tämä työ oikeasti kantaa hedelmää! -Henrica
Work report to our partners in Finland
This time me and my husband Tesfaye Alemu taught ethnic groups both in Kambata and Sidama in Yigalem and in Zama Congregation for groups of both women and men. The number of women was more than 70 and men was more than 50. This shows the interest of people to learn and understand about the harmful traditional practice.
Valtavasti kiinnostuneita miehiä ja naisia kuuntelemassa Bezuneshin ja Tesfayen opetusta. |
Katso kuinka paljon ihmisiä kuuntelemassa! Uskomatonta, että me todella olemme mahdollistaneet tämän!!! |
This time we stayed in Kambata area for 4 days and we came back to our home on the fifth day. From there we continued in Yirgalem (our home town) for 2 days. The response of people is very positive. They said that after your teaching we will stand together to stop the harmful traditional practice of FGM (female genital mutilation). We lost many women when theygave birth through with this dangerous circumcisedbody. We are sorry for them. Now, we understand the harmfulness of FGM, so we will stand strongly to stop this practice.
Our teaching focused on the theological reasons against the harmful traditional practiceof FGM. We taught deeply based on this topic with biblical support by showing some texts and theological arguments. A sample from our teaching -Theologically, man is God's steward on the overall creation of the earth. According to the Luther explanation, the confession of God as creator implies that the same God that created me, my body and my soul, upholds me with his power. As christians we should respect the gift of God since God has entrusted us with his gifts. FGM is hurting the body of human being. Christians should stand against this harmful practice as God's stewards for their bodies and all creation. FGM is not God's commandment like circumcision of male was commandment in OT. For this time we taught is like this.
Information - We aim to continue after Ethiopian Ester fast on these topics. After the fast we will go to Oromo Region Bale Kokosa village addressing male groups to make them aware of the harmful traditional practice of FGM on the lives of women and we will also teach both circumcised and uncircumcised girls and married women. The distance of Bale Kokosa is far from Yirgalem, about 150 kms. So please support us within your thoughts for this journey. We wish all the best to our readers in Finland!