Dear Henrica how are you with your family and your work? We are very fine. We changed our living place last week. That means before we lived in Yirgalm and now we moved back to Kambata, because as you know Kambata is a very central work place for our project. This is a very good place to work and to expand our project work.
Also our next work thing will – as informed in our annual proposal – start in Kambata. The central work place is in Durame area and in Zama congregation. Now we are preparing for next time teaching.
You asked about the cutter woman we interviewed last time. The following picture shows the cutter woman. Her name is Shubo Shutura. She is a Christian. She is a cutter for long time and have practiced the harmful traditional FGM more than 15 years. As she said especially June and July months are a devotional time to practice the harmful traditional FGM. In these two months she normally cut more than 50 girls. After cutting she takes 150 Ethiopian birr for each girl. She is in big fear because the governmental rule has made that this harmful traditional practice of FGM must be done in secret (FGM on laitonta Etiopiassa, Henrican huomio).
But now she said: I cannot do FGM anymore after this teaching because I understand more about the dangers of FGM and how it affect the lives of women when they get married and give birth. So that I cannot do this practice after I heard this word of God. Finally after our teaching she decided to stop this traditional practice of FGM.
You asked about the cutter woman we interviewed last time. The following picture shows the cutter woman. Her name is Shubo Shutura. She is a Christian. She is a cutter for long time and have practiced the harmful traditional FGM more than 15 years. As she said especially June and July months are a devotional time to practice the harmful traditional FGM. In these two months she normally cut more than 50 girls. After cutting she takes 150 Ethiopian birr for each girl. She is in big fear because the governmental rule has made that this harmful traditional practice of FGM must be done in secret (FGM on laitonta Etiopiassa, Henrican huomio).
But now she said: I cannot do FGM anymore after this teaching because I understand more about the dangers of FGM and how it affect the lives of women when they get married and give birth. So that I cannot do this practice after I heard this word of God. Finally after our teaching she decided to stop this traditional practice of FGM.
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Bezuneshin ja Tesfayen opetusta kuultuaan ympärileikkaaja Shubo Shutura päätti, että hänen täytyy lopettaa työnsä. |
Olen joka kerta yhtä liikuttunut saadessani kuulla, kuinka Bezuneshin ja Tesfayen opetukset otetaan vastaan. He tekevät aivan mielettömän hyvää työtä! Ihan uskomattoman hieno asia, että he ovat saaneet yhden leikkaajankin ymmärtämään asian laidan ja luopumaan hyvinpalkatusta työstä! Toivon sydämestäni, että tällä naisella on mahdollisuus ansaita elantonsa jollakin muulla tavalla.
Henrica, tämä on kyllä todellakin aivan ihmeellistä. Itsekin kerta kerran jälkeen, näitä Bezuneshin kirjeitä lukiessa hämmästelen sitä voimaa, joka heidän opetuksillaan on. Huomaa kuinka tällaiselle toiminnalle on todellakin ollut tarvetta!
VastaaPoistaKuinka hienoa ja kiitos Henrica, että tiedotat tämänlaisesta toiminnasta! Niin lapsi kuin aikuinenkin on kykenevä oppimaan uutta ja kääntämään suuntaa. Toivottavasti Shubolla on mahdollisuus tulevaisuudessakin ansaita elantonsa, rohkea ja esimerkillinen päätös!