Elizabethilla on ollut vähän rajumpi keikka. Hän matkusti 1000km päähän osallistumaan erään 16-vuotiaan tytön hautajaisiin. Tyttö menehtyi ympärileikkauksessa. Tilaisuudessa hän piti myös puheen ympärileikkausta vastaan ja yhteisö ymmärsi opetukset enemmän kuin hyvin. Keniassa, kuten Etiopiassakin, ympärileikkaus on laitonta ja siitä seuraa rangaistuksia. Elizabeth myöskin ilmoitti kyseisen silpojan ja kuolleen tytön vanhemmat hallitukselle (en tiedä onko kyseessä paikallinen poliisilaitos vai minkä tasoinen instanssi). Tässä käymämme fb-keskustelu sekä kännykkäkuvia hautajaisista:
Elizabeth: Hi dear how are you? I am good doing well. I have sended to you pictures of what we have been doing. The pictures that I have send to you is from Kajiado village which is 1000 kilometres from my village. There we attended a funeral of a girl 16years old who was circumcised and bleed alot which led to her death. The chief of the area attend the funeral and the councellor of the area also. I made my speech to the people and they promised me to change and also they welcomed me to visit them soon again to teach all of the people because not all of them were in the funeral. The woman who did the circumsicion disappeared and so the father of the girl too but we are doing our best to have the government to look for them so that they will be arrested.

Henrica: Thank you for very good work! I think it was a good situation to do a speech, because people understand very concretely what fgm really causes. I hope they could learn from this and from your speech.E: They have really understand the disdavantage of fgm and the government are also happy about our teachings.H: Fantastic! What about the government?E: The government only arrest the woman who circumsices and the parents of the girl for some months and later they are let to go. But they like our work and the help they can give us is arrest people.
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