Hei kaikki lukijat ja tukirinkiläiset!
Kuten facebookista varmaan jo huomasit, on Meeri Koutaniemen ja Arman Alizadin dokumentti Keniasta Elizabethin työstä ja paenneista tytöistä tulossa LIV kanavalle. Suosittelen!
Pahan jälkeenS
To 13.10. 22:00 - 23:00

Kausi 1. Jakso 4/8. Sukupuolielinten silpomista paenneet tytöt. Maailmassa on yli 200 miljoonaa ympärileikattua tyttöä ja naista. Väkivaltaista perinnettä jatketaan mm. monissa Afrikan valtioissa. Keniassa Arman ja Meeri haastattelevat Elisabethia, joka kampanjoi aktiivisesti perinnettä vastaan. Hän tarjoaa majoitusta, apua ja ohjausta tytöille ja naisille, jotka ovat paenneet kodeistaan silpomisia. Kotoaan paenneet naiset kertovat tarinansa. Jaksossa nähdään myös Meeri Koutaniemen aiemmin Helsingin Sanomissa julkaistuja valokuvia ympärileikkausrituaalista.
Etiopiasta kuitenkin kuuluu ikäviä uutisia. Maahan on muutama päivä sitten julistettu hätätila jatkuneiden levottomuuksien takia. Ihmiset ovat tyytymättömiä hallitukseen, joka vetää vain kotiinpäin eikä ajattele kansalaisten parasta ja ovat nousseet barrikaadeille. Maaseuduilla, missä Bezuneshkin enimmäkseen liikkuu, tilanne on onneksi melko rauhallinen mielenosoitusten keskittyessä isoihin kaupunkeihin. Hallitus on kuitenkin sulkenut koko maan nettiyhteydet yrittäessään estää ihmisiä kokoontumasta. Bezunesh ehti juuri ja juuri lähettää raporttinsa ennenkun menetimme yhteyden. Etiopiaan ei siis ole hetkeen menemistä, mutta Bezuneshin työ jatkuu. Tässäpä raporttinsa opetuksesta:
Dear parters in Finland
In Ethiopia the Christian community has been practicing FGM (female genital mutilation) for many years as biblical based practice, but it is not biblical. Therefore we have chosen to focus on biblical reasons against FGM. This time we get a chance to teach in Damboya KHC (Kale Hiwot Church) to give this kind of teaching for 2 days. The learners are very interested in our teaching because they could understand about FGM from the bible.
We started by saying there is no any kind of commandments in the Bible about the practice of FGM. Even if there is some reference in the Bible in Old Testament about male circumcision it is only to the Jewish people but not all people. In the case of this practice we lost many women from our society when they give the birth.
We also talked about different reasons of FGM and questioned the neccessarity of it.
The most common reason for FGM in Ethiopia is that the society thinks it ensures the faithfullness of the wife to her husband and to preserves girls virginity. According to this view circumcision is a tool to control women’s sexual desire. We criticized this view by asking why it still is silently accepted that men will be free to seek additional sexual partners when they desire. This view makes the wife a tool of her husband.
The most common reason for FGM in Ethiopia is that the society thinks it ensures the faithfullness of the wife to her husband and to preserves girls virginity. According to this view circumcision is a tool to control women’s sexual desire. We criticized this view by asking why it still is silently accepted that men will be free to seek additional sexual partners when they desire. This view makes the wife a tool of her husband.
FGM is also an issue of acceptance by the adults of clan. This view is centered on the cultural understanding of marriage. Cultural acceptance by itself considered as very important. But physical harm and abuse affects the marriage between husband and the wife. FGM is an issue of the whole community. Therefore, it is impossible to abolish it without the support of men.
Our argument is also that God created everything good, including those parts of women that are important for child bearing and a healthy relationship within marriage.
Our argument is also that God created everything good, including those parts of women that are important for child bearing and a healthy relationship within marriage.
The learners are very interested in our teaching and they could understand our teaching about FGM trough the Bible.
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