Meilläpäin seksistä voi puhua vaikka kahvipöydässä, mutta Etiopiassa eivät edes pariskunnat puhu asiasta keskenään. Meidän uskomattoman rohkea ja vankkumaton Bezunesh ei pelkää tätäkään puheenaihetta. Ympärileikatulle tytölle seksi tuntuu järkyttävältä pahoinpitelyltä, siksi he pelkäävät ja vihaavat seksiä. Meistä ehkä tuntuu oudolta, että miten mies voi vaatia vaimoltaan seksiä, jos se kerran tuntuu hänestä niin pahalta. Mutta karu totuus on, että miehellä ei ole pienintäkään ymmärrystä siitä, miltä seksi ympärileikatusta naisesta tuntuu. Kärsiminen ja kipu on myös tabu, ei saa itkeä, ei huutaa, ei puhua, ei mitään, vaikka tuntuisi kuinka pahalta. Tytöt on opetettu tekemään miehen tahdon mukaan. On elintärkeä elää sosiaalisten normien mukaisesti, sillä se on ainoa sosiaaliturva mitä Etiopiassa on. Mies ei siis pahuuttaan raiskaa halutonta vaimoaan, häneltä vain puuttuu ymmärrys naisen elämästä. Tähän ei auta muu kuin puhuminen, ja sitä juuri Bezunesh tekee!
8 th work report to our partners those who live in Finland
Topic: Harmful effects of FGM
So, what is God’s word teaching about this? We replied: As theologians, we studied our Bible to get textual evidence about the practice of FGM and we did not find any kind of references from our Bible. In the old testament there is a few texts about male circumcision for only Jew people, but it does not include other people. According to New Testament circumcision is not necessary for anyone, nor male or female. As Paul said, we are free through Jesus Chris who has done it for us on the cross. (Gal 5:1ff).
How does FGM affect the life of women?
How does is affect sex life of women?
How can we stop FGM?
This time our teaching focuses the harmful effects of FGM and how we can stop it from women’s life. We choose to focus on this, because in these two months it is rain season and many mothers practices FGM on their girls. We want to give them reorganization about FGM and how it affects the women's life in marriage and when they go to give birth. In this time teaching we could teach more than 40 women.
How does is affect sex life of women?
How can we stop FGM?
This time our teaching focuses the harmful effects of FGM and how we can stop it from women’s life. We choose to focus on this, because in these two months it is rain season and many mothers practices FGM on their girls. We want to give them reorganization about FGM and how it affects the women's life in marriage and when they go to give birth. In this time teaching we could teach more than 40 women.
We start our teaching with the first sub topic: How does FGM affects the lives of women?
For this question we answer: If the girl is circumcised she can not be happy in her total living life because she will be suffering from continuously bleeding and urinal problems and have continuous headache. Also she will have no joy in her life.
After this response we raised the second question: How does FGM affects women’s sex live? We answer: The women will suffer badly on sex time because their vaginal labia is cut and they have no the attraction for sex. They have no common agreement about sex in their marriage between husband and wife. When husband want to enjoy sex the wife has no interest to sexual intercourse. It will cause them all-time conflict in their home. Sometimes this conflict will even end up in divorce of their marriage.
For this question we answer: If the girl is circumcised she can not be happy in her total living life because she will be suffering from continuously bleeding and urinal problems and have continuous headache. Also she will have no joy in her life.
After this response we raised the second question: How does FGM affects women’s sex live? We answer: The women will suffer badly on sex time because their vaginal labia is cut and they have no the attraction for sex. They have no common agreement about sex in their marriage between husband and wife. When husband want to enjoy sex the wife has no interest to sexual intercourse. It will cause them all-time conflict in their home. Sometimes this conflict will even end up in divorce of their marriage.
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So, what is God’s word teaching about this? We replied: As theologians, we studied our Bible to get textual evidence about the practice of FGM and we did not find any kind of references from our Bible. In the old testament there is a few texts about male circumcision for only Jew people, but it does not include other people. According to New Testament circumcision is not necessary for anyone, nor male or female. As Paul said, we are free through Jesus Chris who has done it for us on the cross. (Gal 5:1ff).
When we practice FGM in the lives’ of our girls God asks us why we do without His word? So as Christian we have to know we are doing it against God’s commandment. We are free through faith, not by circumcision.
After our teaching some of our listeners were very interest to learn more about reason against FGM. If God is willing we will continue with this group another time.
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