perjantai 23. toukokuuta 2014

Bezuneshin terveiset

Bezuneshiltakin tuli viestiä. Kuten aiemmin päätin, julkaisen blogissa Bezuneshin ja Elizabethin viestejä, enkä pelkästään raportteja. Näin kaikki halukkaat voivat seurata tapahtumia ja olla hengessä mukana :) Tässä viestissä Bezunesh kertoo, että palkka tuli perille ja että hän on iloinen Elizabethin työstä:

Hi dear how are you and your family? We are enjoying our grateful work in Kambata area. Dear we are sorry for late giving of information about our salary received last week. Hear in Ethiopia we have an internet connection error. Also we are very happy to hear about the work of Elizabeth in Kenya! We think it is a time of God to save the life of women in all Africa. Thanks to be God our saver. Dear if Elizabeth wants to ask us any kind of questions we will every time help her and share how we can face the challenges of women in Africa. Now we are going to teach within a different area, so we will send a good work report next time. Also we received Finnish magazine through dear Sari what we did in Bale with her last time. 

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