Bezunesh ja Tesfaye pahoittelevat raportin myöhäisyyttä, heidän kotikylänsä on ollut ilman nettiyhteyttä nyt jo yli puoli vuotta. Harmillinen etiopialainen todellisuus, jonka itsekin sain huomata vierailullani: viranomaisia ei kiinnosta laittaa asioita kuntoon ellei se suoranaisesti hyödytä heitä itseään henkilökohtaisesti. Joka tapauksessa Bezunesh on nyt päässyt johinkin lähikylään lähettämään raporttinsa, joka tuttuun tapaan on todella huolellinen ja opetuksen sisältöön keskittyvä.
Etiopiassa ihmiset ovat paljon uskonnollisempia kuin me suomalaiset esimerkiksi. Uskonto, oli se sitten kristinusko tai islam, hallitsee yhteiskunnallisia normeja vahvasti. Maaseudun yhteisöt uskovat tyttöjen ympärileikkauksen kuuluvan uskontonsa harjoittamiseen ja he perustelevat toimenpidettä nimenomaan uskonnollisilla syillä. Tästä syystä on hyvä, että Bezuneshilla on teologin status ja hän voi vedota Raamattuun, että tyttöjen ympärileikkaus ei kuulu kristinuskoon. Bezunesh kertoi myös viime vierailullani, että hän haluaisi opettaa myös muslimiyhteisöissä. Hän itse suhtautui hyvin positiivisesti mahdollisuuteen, vaikka itse hieman epäilin saisiko kristitty teologi sananvaltaa muslimien piireissä. Toisaalta Etiopian maaseudulla kristityt ja muslimit elävät edelleen suurimmaksi osaksi sujuvaa ja leppoisaa rinnakkaiseloa, mm. juhlivat toistensa kanssa uskonnollisia juhlapyhiä.
"He uskovat pohjimmiltaan samalla tavalla kuin me, Allah on vain arabiankielinen nimi samalle Jumalalle, mihin mekin uskomme", Bezunesh selitti minulle. Jospa tällainen asenne olisi yleisempää kaikkialla maailmassa!
Tällä kertaa Bezunesh on kuitenkin opettanut kristittyä nuorisoa, joista osa on vielä naimattomia ja ympärileikkaamattomia, mutta valitettavasti osa jo silvottuja ja naitettuja. Joka tapauksessa asiasta puhuminen on tärkeä ympärileikatuillekin tytöillle, sillä he voivat sitä kautta saada ymmärrystä ja vertaistukea.
6 th work report to our partners those who live in Finland
Topic: Biblical Reasons to Against FGM
Dear, this work report focuses on the topic of biblical reasons against FGM among our society. This teaching took 2 days when we give the training for our learners in the area of Durame in Weraboya KHC for teenage groups and youngers. They are from Sunday school and choir group and some of them are uncircumcised the others are circumcised and have got married. The training time was at the beginning of June on Saturday and Sunday and then we return to our home on Monday morning.
The amount of our learners is more than 40 and their response is very positive and they need time to get more recognition of FGM. Also we promise to them to continue our teaching with them and to reach others through them.
Topic: Biblical Reasons to Against FGM
Dear, this work report focuses on the topic of biblical reasons against FGM among our society. This teaching took 2 days when we give the training for our learners in the area of Durame in Weraboya KHC for teenage groups and youngers. They are from Sunday school and choir group and some of them are uncircumcised the others are circumcised and have got married. The training time was at the beginning of June on Saturday and Sunday and then we return to our home on Monday morning.
The amount of our learners is more than 40 and their response is very positive and they need time to get more recognition of FGM. Also we promise to them to continue our teaching with them and to reach others through them.
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Our dear readers, our teaching looks like as follows:
Biblical Reasons to against FGM
Circumcision in OT
Many scholars like Willcox and others believe that the origin of the practice of FGM is unknown. Also the origin of male circumcision is unknown. But it is an ancient operation. It was practiced before the Israelites, even their patriarchal ancestor, come on the scene. The tools used to perform male circumcision at the ancient time were flint knife and other metals.
Biblical Reasons to against FGM
Circumcision in OT
Many scholars like Willcox and others believe that the origin of the practice of FGM is unknown. Also the origin of male circumcision is unknown. But it is an ancient operation. It was practiced before the Israelites, even their patriarchal ancestor, come on the scene. The tools used to perform male circumcision at the ancient time were flint knife and other metals.
Initially it became theologically significant through its role in Judaism as compulsory sign of covenant membership. God introduced the physical act of male circumcision as a sign of the Abraham covenant:
This is my covenant with you and your descendants after you…Every male among you shall be circumcised. You are to undergo circumcision, and it will be the sign of the covenant betweenme and you. Gen17:10-11
This is my covenant with you and your descendants after you…Every male among you shall be circumcised. You are to undergo circumcision, and it will be the sign of the covenant betweenme and you. Gen17:10-11
It was a continual cutting off of the foreskin of the male organ, and it was a reminder of the perpetuity of the covenantal relationship. In the OT the compulsory sign of covenant is male circumcision alone. The circumcision finds its scriptural basis in God’s commandment to Abraham to remove the foreskins of his and his descendants as a symbol of the covenant relationship between God and His people. In this text it was occurred within the context of God’s renewed covenant to Abraham, following the early contractual relationship.
God is an omnipotent to know the harmful and helpful to His people. As we believe that is why God did not introduce FGM.
Circumcision in NT
It is remarkable that no discussion about circumcision is found in the Gospels other than the brief reference in John’s 7:22-23 that suggests John’s community was troubled about the issue of circumcision. In the NT self-righteous Jews faithfully practiced circumcision as recognition of God’s continuing with Israel.
In the NT male circumcision is not remarkable issue to be included in the church of Christ. But the only thing is faith alone. Trying to practice FGM is the same as adding something new in to the Bible.
At the last of our teaching from biblical bases, we made conclusion for our teaching by giving of recommendation strongly. That mean, the Bible is silent about FGM. In OT we have a brief explanation about male circumcision. The NT shows that we are free from the bondage of the law of circumcision. Circumcision is unnecessary even for male for his salvation and sanctification. We can’t afford spiritual quality by being circumcised. FGM is something which is developed within the human history but not from biblical base. In Ethiopia the Christian community has been practicing FGM for many years as biblical based practice, but it is not biblical. Our ambition is to save the lives of women from the harmful practice of FGM without any kind of interest.
Finally our readers, if do you have any kind of comment or suggestions in our doing please, you could to comment us according to our report.
God is an omnipotent to know the harmful and helpful to His people. As we believe that is why God did not introduce FGM.
Circumcision in NT
It is remarkable that no discussion about circumcision is found in the Gospels other than the brief reference in John’s 7:22-23 that suggests John’s community was troubled about the issue of circumcision. In the NT self-righteous Jews faithfully practiced circumcision as recognition of God’s continuing with Israel.
In the NT male circumcision is not remarkable issue to be included in the church of Christ. But the only thing is faith alone. Trying to practice FGM is the same as adding something new in to the Bible.
At the last of our teaching from biblical bases, we made conclusion for our teaching by giving of recommendation strongly. That mean, the Bible is silent about FGM. In OT we have a brief explanation about male circumcision. The NT shows that we are free from the bondage of the law of circumcision. Circumcision is unnecessary even for male for his salvation and sanctification. We can’t afford spiritual quality by being circumcised. FGM is something which is developed within the human history but not from biblical base. In Ethiopia the Christian community has been practicing FGM for many years as biblical based practice, but it is not biblical. Our ambition is to save the lives of women from the harmful practice of FGM without any kind of interest.
Finally our readers, if do you have any kind of comment or suggestions in our doing please, you could to comment us according to our report.
Actually, this work is very difficult due to moving from place to place and searching connection service where it find, but we are very happy when we teach the people and then we get the changes of mind concerning about FGM. We wish the best for those who read this work report. Have a good time.
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