Myöskin Askel-lehden artikkelista saa kuvan siitä, kuinka valtavan voimallista ja tehokasta opetuksensa on, laitan sen vielä tämän postauksen päätteeksi. Artikkeli on todella WOW!!! Siis tunteita ja toivoa herättävä, kannattaa todellakin lukea! Myöskin artikkelin kautta saa vähän toisenlaisen näkökulman Bezuneshin ja Tesfayen työhön kuin raporteistaan. Hehän eivät raportoi ihmisten tunteista ja tunnelmista, mutta artikkelissa ne tulevat hyvin vahvasti esiin. Tässä tämä Bezuneshin ja Tesfayen upea raportti kuitenkin ensin (suluissa olevat suomenkieliset kommentit ovat Henrican):
The forth work report concerning FGM
Topic: The Harmful Effects of FGM
As we informed to you before we have been teaching this time in Zama congregation in Kambata people among in a christian community for three days. Our teaching focused on the harmful effects of FGM. Following groups were participating:
* Congregant Leaders
* Women Leaders
* Youth Groups
* Sunday school Teachers
*Prayer Group facilters
* Diacons Group
* One cutter women and some participants from congregation members. They are married and unmarried, circumcised and uncircumcised both female and male.
The following picture is shows the learners.
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Zaman kyläläisiä, oikealla Bezunesh poikansa sylissään sekä Tesfaye. |
Our preparation is not only training but it includes preparing coffee with bread and we gave some present for the cutter women (ympärileikkaaja kärsii tulojen menetyksestä lopetettuaan toimintansa, joten hieno ele tukea häntä päätöksessään). The teaching time was not conducted only by ourselves but it had also a group discussion and presentation for all learners in three groups.
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First group. |
The first group is rising different questions and discussing about the harmful practice of FGM. Finally they accept to teach the other and to stop this kind of cultural bad action.
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Second group. |
This second group is raising theological questions, like why the bible is silent about FGM and what is our biblical answer to other christians about this? So for future time they said thay want more awareness and scriptural evidence (tarkoittaa Raamattuun perustuvaa näyttöä) about the harmfulness of FGM.
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Third group. |
This last group said they will start to stop any kind of bad cultural practice in our home.
Our teaching about harmfulness of FGM we brought as the following:
Depending on the types of the procedure of FGM all or most of female sexual organ’s external parts are removed in the process of mutilation. As a result it causes immediate and long term health complications on the health of the circumcised female. The immediate complications are that could happen within ten days of the operation. Its severity depends on the expertise of the operator and the environment where the operation takes place. Some of them are severing pain and marital fidelity.
The long term consequences include urinary and reproductive tract infection, caused by obstructed flow of urine and menstrual blood, various forms of scarring and infertility. The first episode of sexual intercourse will often be extremely painful for excised women in needing to open the labia majora and to allow their partner access to the vagina. It may cause the second cut sometimes performed by the partner with a knife and can cause other complications. As a result vulva lacks its function.
So as we taught our learners the two kinds of these harmful effects of FGM are a continuously problem of women in their lives every time. So that, we ask them three questions and they discussed these three questions.
The first question is: what are the reasons to practice FGM in the lives of women through culture and religion? Some group members said that Kambata people practiced this traditional practice by saying some unbiblical points. For example,
-to prepare adulthood and marriage ,
-to reduce wife’s sexual desires in order to indemnify her faithfulness to her husband in their marriage relation,
-to prevent problems of labor and delivery,
-to conform traditional requirements,
-for cleanness,
-beautifulness after the removal of the clitoris.
In general, the traditionalist excises women because their forefathers and ancestors did it. For the benefit of religion there is no any reasons to practice FGM, as also someone said among church leaders. When we taught them we made the group into three and they discussed on the same question and brings new questions, for example: why is Bible silent about female circumcision? To answer this question we gave the appointment for them to give the evidence within biblical reference.
Our other question was: what is the attitude of the church on this harmful traditional practice of FGM? They said that before church participated within this practice when the girls was circumcised by preparing spiritual programs. But after this understanding the church stands against this harmful traditional practice among christian community.
The third question was: what is your opinion as christian female and male? They said that as christians we stand to teach our family, in Sunday school, in Bible study group, in prayer group, in women group and for the whole congregation members this new teaching.
Also this time we could interview and teach one cutter women.
Her name is Zrare. She was potter maker in her ethnic group. Also she was a cutter of women for a long time. When we interview we asked why you do this practice? As she said that FGM was one kind of professional work, a way of business and money. We asked if she is still practicing this harmful traditional practice of FGM. She responded that now she stopped this practice because she received Jesus Christ as saver and also because her children are against this kind of work and also she fears the governmental law. So that, she said she cannot do this kind of harmful traditional practice of FGM anymore.
We wish all best those who read this work report in Finland!
-Bezunesh and Tesfaye
Ja sitten vielä Askel. Askeleella on menossa juhlakeräys Suomen Lähetysseuran tueksi, joka haluaa entistä enemmän panostaa anti-FGM-työhön. Se on todella upea asia! Kokonaisuudesta voi kuitenkin saada sen kuvan, että Bezunesh työskentelisi Suomen Lähetysseuran tukemana, mutta näin ei suinkaan ole, vaan Bezunesh työskentelee yksinomaan meidän tuella. Kuitenkin valtavan upea asia, että Suomen Lähetysseura haluaa tehdä anti-FGM-työtä, sillä työmaata on enemmän kuin kukaan meistä uskaltaisi ajatellakaan!
Ilahduttava huomio, että Tesfaye pitelee käsissään meidän, siis tukiringin lahjoittamaa tietokonetta! Kone siis toimii ja tekee tehtävänsä! |
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